Susan Meier

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Susan Meier

535 Published BooksSusan Meier

Good morning! It's a beautiful sunny beginning to the day here in Western, Pennsylvania. I'm working on my 75th book. 75th! I'm very excited about that.

I've written some fun things ... those are the Silhouette Romance titles. I especially liked SNOWBOUND BABY which was book 3 of the Bryant Baby Bonanza series which also included BABY BEFORE BUSINESS and PRINCE BABY. But my favorites for Silhouette where the books of the Brewster Baby Boom series THE BABY BEQUEST, BRINGING UP BABIES and OH, BABIES! Where three bachelors inherit triplets. Those were fun to write. I go back every now and again and read them myself for a laugh!

My Harlequins are a little (sometimes a lot) more serious than my Silhouettes, but I always deliver a heart warming story that reminds readers that family and love go hand in hand.

You'll especially see that in FALLING FOR THE PREGNANT HEIRESS where Trent Sigmund decides to help his best friend Seth's baby sister Sabrina McCallan hunt down her on-again/off-again boyfriend, Pierre, to tell him he's about to be a father. Trent tries not to fall. So does Sabrina. Who knew real love had been in their backyard all along.

Sexy or sweet, funny or sad, my characters make some serious lemonade out of their lemons! :)

Because that's how I see life. I have three of whom has epilepsy. Raising him taught me (and my husband and our other two kids) that sometimes a situation that seems bad can have its blessings.