Randy Newman

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Randy  Newman

6 Published BooksRandy Newman

From Randy's website: "I want to pursue the integral (whole, unified, tied-together) nature of things. I see connections between ideas, common ground between people, and overlap where others see conflict. I see God’s fingerprints in all areas of life, not just the so-called religious ones.

I’ve had the privilege of serving in ministry on college campuses, at the Pentagon, in churches, and in various academic settings. My writing has opened doors to teach the Bible and to train people in communicating their faith in dialogical and respectful ways.

Some major influences in my life have been (in no particular order) C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, D. A. Carson, Tim Keller, Ralph Winter, George Elden Ladd, Dallas Willard, John Stott, George Marsden, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Victor Hugo, Antonin Dvorak, Abraham Joshua Heshel, Claude Monet, and the Marx Brothers. My highest priorities are loving God, advancing His kingdom, and loving my family.

You could say that some other big deals in my life are theology, Judaism, academia, literature, music, beauty, and laughter."

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. Please see the other author here: Randy Newman