Françoise Bourdin

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Françoise Bourdin

107 Published BooksFrançoise Bourdin

Françoise Bourdin was born listening to opera. Her parents, both opera singers, helped her to develop an appreciation for strong characters and destinies, and for the music of words. As a teenager, she discovered horseback riding and it became her exclusive hobby. She dedicated her teens to this passion and to reading the works of classical authors that she discovered in her father’s huge library. Bourdin started to write short stories when she was very young. Her first novel was published by Editions Julliard when she was only twenty. Writing became the most important thing in her life and her second novel, two years later, was adapted for TV.

Her fiction describes family stories, secrets, and passions. She values brave characters who face life boldly and never give up when confronted with adversity. Since 1994, she has written thirty books, three of which have been adapted for television. Her readership continues to grow with each novel.

Bourdin has two daughters and lives in a beautiful home in Normandy. She writes every day, always with the same pleasure, the most beautifully human and moving stories. She knows how to express our deepest emotions and to write stories that resemble our own lives.

Françoise Bourdin, née en 1952 à Paris, est un écrivain français.
Elle est mariée à un médecin et a deux filles, Fabienne, née 1981, et Frédérique, née 1982.

Elle commence à écrire des nouvelles à 16 ans. Elle publie son premier roman en 1972, Les Soleils mouillés. En 1973, son second roman, De vagues herbes hautes est choisi par Josée Dayan pour réaliser son premier téléfilm — avec comme interprète Laurent Terzieff. Depuis, elle a publié près d'une trentaine de livres.
Elle est aussi scénariste de profession pour la télévision, beaucoup de ses romans ont été adaptés à la télévision.