Mary H. Manhein

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Mary H. Manhein

14 Published BooksMary H. Manhein

Mary H. Manhein is a forensic anthropologist. She is the retired creator and director of Louisiana State University’s Forensic Anthropology and Computer Enhancement Services (FACES) Laboratory, and former deputy coroner of East Baton Rouge Parish. Manhein has used her expertise to help law enforcement agents - locally, nationally, and internationally - solve their most perplexing mysteries.

Managing Member of Os Liber Press LLC Publishing Company, Manhein is the author of three non-fiction books on forensic anthropology: The Bone Lady, Trail of Bones, Bone Remains; author of the novel Floating Souls, The Canal Murders; co-author of award winning non-fiction account Fragile Grounds, Louisiana’s Endangered Cemeteries; and author of Claire Carter, Bone Detective: The Mystery of the Bones in the Drainpipe, the first book in a new series for young readers at the 10-14 reading level.

“Through the series, young readers will be introduced to the skeleton and all the many things we can learn from both human and animal bones, such as: the impact of disease and trauma; determination of age, sex and ancestry; and differentiation of species. Readers will also learn about the diverse people of Louisiana, as well as the abundant and unique flora and fauna of our state. It has been a dream of mine for a long time to start a children’s book series based on my experiences over the last 30 years in the field of forensic science, and I am thrilled to embark with eager young readers on the adventures of Claire Carter, Bone Detective.” - Mary H. Manhein