Augusta Scattergood

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Augusta Scattergood

3 Published BooksAugusta Scattergood

Augusta Scattergood grew up in the Mississippi Delta and left to attend college at the University of North Carolina and library school at Simmons College. But she never really left her home state, even while living in New Jersey.

Her first novel is set in Mississippi during Freedom Summer, 1964. GLORY BE was published in January, 2012, by Scholastic Press. THE WAY TO STAY IN DESTINY, her new middle-grade novel takes place in a little town in Florida named Destiny where Theo has come to live at the Rest Easy Rooming House and Dance Studio. Her third historical middle-grade novel will also be published by Scholastic Press, August 2016. MAKING FRIENDS WITH BILLY WONG is based on a few memories and a lot of research!
Augusta is represented by Linda Pratt of Wernick & Pratt Agency.

A school librarian for over twenty years, Augusta now lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.