E. Elizabeth Watson

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E. Elizabeth Watson

19 Published BooksE. Elizabeth Watson

Greetings, readers!

Award-winning and Amazon bestselling author E. Elizabeth Watson is convinced life is better with good coffee, chocolate, and a pair of hiking boots. Ever since her elementary school librarian "published" her epic childhood tales--complete with laminated handmade covers--she's enjoyed exploring the world through literature and history.

A recovering archaeologist and biomed research coordinator, Elizabeth now spends her days penning heroes ranging from Scottish and Medieval warriors to Texas cowboys crowned with Stetsons. Whether in kilts or pearl-snaps, her heroes wear plaid.

Check out her backlist titles and upcoming releases at:
Entangled Publishing: https://entangledpublishing.com/autho...
Tule Publishing: https://tulepublishing.com/series/dix...
Dragonblade Publishing: https://www.dragonbladepublishing.com...

Watson lives on a mountainside in West Virginia with her husband, sons, and various pets. Always honored to hear from readers, make sure to follow her on social media below. Thank you for visiting, and enjoy my happily ever afters!

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/e-eli...

Newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/c-2zTn

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