Lynda Engler

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Lynda Engler

7 Published BooksLynda Engler

When not reading or writing, I enjoy being outdoors, either walking, cycling, kayaking, or skiing; or indoors binge-watching sci-fi series. I came to writing late in life and still regret that none of my teachers in middle- or high-school ever told me to do some creative writing.

My first book, The Forgotten Isle (Middle Grade fantasy) came about as a project that my son, Colin, and I thought up while he was in middle school. My second book, Into the Outside, is a YA dystopian sci-fi. Into the Yellow Zone, and Under the Mountain (Books 2 and 3 in the trilogy) came out in 2017.

My time travel short story "Time's Anchor" (2016, Kindle and Audible) is a story of love, friendship and life’s joys and sorrows, set against the backdrop of a mystery that ranges from modern day Boston to Civil War Virginia to the casino building boom of Las Vegas.

I’m currently working on a post-apocalyptic thriller about a new ice age [working title: Ring of Fire: Volcanic Winter]; and an eco-disaster SF novel [working title: Antarctica: Ice Crash].