Sarah Urist Green

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Sarah Urist Green

3 Published BooksSarah Urist Green

Sarah Urist Green is a curator and art educator seeking to demystify the worlds of art, artists, and museums for wide audiences. Green is the creator of The Art Assignment, an educational web series developed in partnership with PBS and Complexly. Since launching in 2013, The Art Assignment has grown to become one of the most widely viewed and respected art education projects online, with over 500,000 subscribers and nearly 30 million total views.

With the 2020 release of her book You Are an Artist, Green combines art history with art prompts offered by some of the most innovative artists working today. The book has helped thousands of "aspiring artists and makers to open their imaginations and begin to create," as NPR put it.

Green is the former curator of contemporary art at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, where she organized the exhibitions Graphite and Andy Warhol Enterprises, among others, and was instrumental in developing The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park: 100 Acres. She holds a master of arts in modern art history from Columbia University and a bachelor of arts from Northwestern University. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband, John Green, and two children.