Rebecca Alexander

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Rebecca Alexander

28 Published BooksRebecca Alexander

Having had a career in psychology, Rebecca Alexander decided to take time out to raise and home educate six children - and home educate herself with an MA in Creative Writing. The Secrets of Life and Death (2013) was a runner up in the 2011 novel writing competition with Mslexia and an agent and book deal for three books ensued. The Secrets of Blood and Bone (2014) and The Secrets of Time and Fate (2016) were published by Del Rey UK. With a historical strand exploring 16th century sorcery and a contemporary story about revenants, the books enjoyed a fantasy readership.

Since then, A Baby's Bones will be published by Titan Books (May 1 2018) and is decidedly crime. A sequel comes out next April, and the books follow the work of an archaeologist trying to solve crimes in the past. And staying safe in the present, with the help of Felix Guichard from the Secrets series. Things are still going bump in the night.