Shirley Spain

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Shirley Spain

40 Published BooksShirley Spain

Shirley resides in West Jordan, Utah, USA, with her husband and their four-legged children.

She is a graduate of the West Jordan Citizens Police Academy, a CERT member (Community Emergency Response Team) and a VIPS (Volunteers In Police Service) with the West Jordan police.

Shirley enjoys the variety of “research” opportunities her stories offer. She’s been on police “ride alongs,” conducted interviews with law enforcement experts regarding matters such as escaping handcuffs without a key and creating “dead man switches” for bombs.

With the help of willing accomplices, she’s role-played scenes, including being “kidnapped” and thrown into a car, zipped up in a body bag, and locked in the trunk of a car, only to name a few of her stunts!

One might be surprised by the many experiments she has done on herself—for novel research, of course—involving handcuffs, duct tape, chain, rope, hazmat suits, night vision headlamps…

Keeping that in mind, when you read her novels you may wonder how many of the stunts described in the story Shirley might have tried on herself, or someone else ... but she’ll never tell! Or will she? Visit her website to find out more.