Carina Adams

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Carina Adams

23 Published BooksCarina Adams

Carina Adams, an Amazon and international best selling author, is an avid reader who loves the epic and unconventional, has an unhealthy obsession with Stanley Tucci, loves the sound of Johnny Cash, is the crazy friend your mom warned you about, has a heart and soul as black as the coffee she drinks, believes you’ll see her compete on Survivor one day, and hopes to go through the stones and find Jamie Fraser.

Carina has been writing and creating characters for as long as she can remember, allowing her to fall in love with the next man of her dreams with every new story. None of which are anything like boring Prince Charming.

Thankfully, fate stepped in and granted her the ultimate wish—a life full of men. Carina lives in a tiny Maine town with her biker-turned-businessman husband who keeps her on her toes and their two heathens who made her realize that wicked chicks do, indeed, lay deviled eggs.

Carina is currently working on two novels: Echoes of Us, the final installment of the Dreams Trilogy and 'Stones' a heartbreakingly beautiful tale of second chance love.

Carina loves to hear from her readers. [email protected]

Carina is represented by SBR Media. For inquiries regarding foreign rights, audio, and other media outlets, please contact Katie Monson at [email protected]

Bama Boys Series:

Bastards Of Boston MC:
