Cathy G. Johnson

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Cathy G. Johnson

8 Published BooksCathy G. Johnson

My name is Cathy G. Johnson. I'm an artist in Providence, Rhode Island, where I make comics, drawings, prints and books about youth, confrontation and sincerity. I draw inspiration from my life and my community.

My first graphic novel, Jeremiah, debuted in 2013, and was published by One Percent Press in 2015. My second book Gorgeous was published by Koyama Press in 2016. My upcoming book The Breakaways is coming from First Second 2019.

In addition to my artwork, I am also an educator and scholar. I have been teaching various art classes and workshops throughout New England and North America. I have been teaching since 2012, and earned my masters degree in Teaching + Learning in Art + Design from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2017. I share my experience and research on my education website, I also co-host a scholarship podcast where we talk about comics in historical + educational contexts, called Drawing a Dialogue.