Kailin Gow

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Kailin Gow

331 Published BooksKailin Gow

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Kailin Gow is an International Bestselling American, USA Today Bestselling, WOC and AAPI screenwriter, director, producer, speaker, actress and traditionally-published and indie author of hundreds of books, and the owner/founder and organizer of mega-book signing events like Rockin' Hollywood, Naughty Mafia in Las Vegas, and the upcoming Love Letters from Las Vegas (also, the title of an upcoming Rom Com film) which has featured the very top authors of Romance and drawn thousands of readers, including being in a documentary film now out on Amazon Prime.

Over 14 Million copies of her books have been downloaded around the world and translated into 25 languages. 2 of her book series, FADE Series and Red Genesis Series, has been optioned by the Academy Award-winning team behind Netflix #1 most Liked and Top 10 Netflix Original Film, Wish Dragon, also the team behind the special effects magic of Star Wars and Marvel films.

She owns a traditional publishing company with an API (Asian Pacific Islander) Diversity initiative that has partnerships with production companies across the globe with distribution through Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney and more! Kailin Gow is a go to media guest on Women in Film and Television and is a voting member of the Academy Awards.

Her Worldwide Brand, Kailin Gow's Go Girl has won awards for its tv series, books, cosmetics, fashions, beauty and health products, and soon-to-be home and travel products. As of 2021, Kailin Gow's Go Girl is excited to expand into its own line of hotels, starting with a 70+ room hotel in Texas. In 2022, her books will be adapted into entertainment venues called Sparklesoup World, offered in various locations throughout the U.S. and internationally.

She has been a host on world-class stages, an invited speaker for BEA and a regular radio/TV guest for major stations. She is an official voice of AAPI, She has a TV Reality show on her as an author and personality. She is also the host and publisher of a leading author industry guide, subscription newsletter, and podcast called Authors Voices. Five of her pen names are USA Today Bestselling authors and will be traditionally published in 2022. She is also a recurring speaker/instructor of writing series and serials for professional screenwriters and producers as of 2021.

She was called an "innovating author" and an "Author as Influencer" by Goodreads executives at Book Expo America 2014 in their speech.

Kailin Gow is one of Cindy Crawford's Beauties, who is beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, along with Gabrielle Union.

She was called "a successful author who knows how to balance being an author and life" by Huffington Post. USA Today recommends her steamy romances while PBS Kids have recommended her Teen Fantasy Series.

Amazon highlighted her author success story on the homepage of Amazon.com and in their book, Transformations and was invited by Amazon to be an author spokesperson for Amazon's launch of the Kindle fire in Santa Monica.

In the publishing industry, she has written and presented many articles and workshops for major publications as well as conventions. https://www.fastcompany.com/user/kail...
and is the host/founder of the podcast and newsletter Author Voices. Additionally, she owns a law firm specializing in consumer advocacy.

Kailin Gow holds a Masters degree in Management from USC and degrees in Social Ecology (Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, and Ecology/Climate), Drama, and Film making from UC Irvine where she once ran and DJ for a radio station that helped discovered OC bands like Sugar Ray and Gwen Stefani.