Surviving The End (The End #2)

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Surviving The End (The End #2)

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This time, our present, was the end of the age. Or, at least the slippery downward slope heading toward the end.My name is Nikki and with my husband...

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More Details

This time, our present, was the end of the age.

Or, at least the slippery downward slope heading toward the end.

My name is Nikki and with my husband Reg we're trying our best to protect our growing group of survivors. Times on the western front (well, we're in Texas...I guess that's western enough) are tough and getting tougher.

But we're believers, followers of The Way. We have the Lord on our side and we cling to Him like a baby grape to its vine.

These tough times are, without a doubt, the end times.

Fires, famine, floods, earthquakes, a one world order government take-over. Christians are hunted like animals during open season.

The "zombie apocalypse" has happened.

We'd been warned about it—about what was going to happen—for years. Centuries, actually. Everything that happened had been foretold in ancient texts, some written in the years before Christ walked the earth, and some long after He had risen from the grave.

But even the ancient texts hadn't completely prepared us for just how difficult those times would be.

The End© Series is a fictional account of a world gone mad and what a band of believers must do to survive.

​If you like apocalyptic end times survival fiction, you'll love The End Series! All books are Christian based.

  • Format:Kindle Edition
  • Pages:328 pages
  • Publication:2018
  • Publisher:HEA Publishers
  • Edition:
  • Language:eng
  • ISBN10:
  • ISBN13:
  • kindle Asin:B01MTF1WQA

About Author

V.J.J. Dunn

V.J.J. Dunn

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