Death of a Fairy Tale (Mari Fable Mysteries, #1)

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Death of a Fairy Tale (Mari Fable Mysteries, #1)

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Mari can solve any mystery, except who wants to murder her and why they're leading her to grandmas.Death of a Fairy Tale is a supernatural mystery...

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More Details

Mari can solve any mystery, except who wants to murder her and why they're leading her to grandmas.

Death of a Fairy Tale is a supernatural mystery chock-full of classic stories, murders, and sarcasm. Mari is a determined, if not a little frazzled, investigative journalist and brand-new mother. The birth of her daughter sparks strange events that lead her into the hidden world of fairy tales. Mari struggles to balance her baby in one hand and her job in another while she hunts her supernatural stalker and uncovers the truth behind beloved children's stories.

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  • Pages: pages
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  • Edition:1
  • Language:eng
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About Author

Emily Fluke

Emily Fluke

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